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The Asian porn tube site gives lovers of the Asian porn niche something to always look forward to every time. The site has jaw-dropping collection of Asian porn movies and a good mix of Western porn sprinkled about. So, whether you like it censored or uncensored they got you covered. vs.

At first, I wasn't able to tell the difference between this porn site and another one I reviewed. The name of this other site is Since the design was so similar, I kinda guessed it has the same content as JAV doe.

This doesn't mean the two sites are completely the same. For instance, gives users the ability to sort content. There are only two sorting options though, but its way better than Javcl which doesn't give you the chance to sort the stuff you want to see and how you will want to see them.

Sorting options that offers include sorting content by Newest and sorting content by the number of views.

At the time of writing this review, Aoi Mizutani from the 1pondo channel took the number one spot with the most views having more than 383,000 views and counting. The sort by Newest sorting option also did its job helping to find similar channels.

All Important Info is in the Videos displays the length for each video in the video thumbnail. This will save you the stress of playing a video before being able to tell how long it is. The videos in the porn HD category have an average length of 30 to 40 minutes, but some can be as long as 60 minutes.

Every video comes with a title, a short description of the porn story. Users will also be able to see the video upload date, the genre, and tags for every one of the videos. Stuff like the original channel where the video is from will also be on display.

More free Jav sites to surf

At the top of the landing page, there are links to more Japanese adult sites that you could check out if you ever get bored. They are in a list format in front of a heading that reads JAV network. Some of these external links include Jav; this will lead you to Another is Jav free which will take you to

Jav doe knows the importance of an uncensored search bar, and they have incorporated it into the site below the Jav network header. The job of the search bar isn't new to folks who know the specific kinda content they crave.

To the left of the search bar, you will be able to see tabs like Home which will always be there to take you back to the homepage of the site. There is another which says Popular, this tab shows you the most popular videos on jav doe. Do not forget you still have the sort buttons to help you sort for content on this page.

It was weird finding out that on the Popular Page when I clicked on the sort by views button it says the most viewed video is Tameike Goro meyd- the truth is I've been continuously fucked by my husband's boss-meguri, while on the homepage the most viewed is Aoi Mizutani. Seems they need to figure out what's wrong, because Tameike Goro meyd is the most viewed video they have, having more than 600,000 views and counting.

JavDoe Review - Insane categories and All the Pornstars you love

Jav doe will keep you wanting more with the categories option. Clicking on the categories buttons unfolds the categories spread out to 4 pages. The total number of categories on Jav doe is about 120.

Some of the more crazy categories include breast milk and urination. Are you into that shit?

Visitors of Jav doe can also get a good look at the list of porn stars available on this site. This list is not restricted to Asian porn stars alone, it covers both Asian and western pornstars. You can also search for your favorite studios from the insane number of studios under the studios' section.

Exploring the Videos on

Let's take a look at a real video on Jav doe. While Jav doe is not restricted to only full-length movies, it also packs a good number of them if that's the juice you need. Although, these videos have pop up ads that will disturb you whenever you decide to relax and watch them. Like WTF!!! I don't want an ad covering the entire screen while I'm setting the mood.

While watching some clips, I discovered there was a download button. Well, after trying to download some of the porn movies on, it seems they at least got one thing right. The download option however isn't available for every video on the website, so I guess you will have to keep trying your luck. In some of the videos, you will be able to adjust your settings, change the play speed, and change the video quality between HD and SD.

This Asian porn site has what it takes to take the front row among Asian porn sites in the world today if they will be able to solve the problem annoying ads that keep ruining the fun. Check out to experience all I have talked about in this review.


Year Launched

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Good mix of Japanese and Western Porn

Free downloads for some of the videos

Many pop up ads and video ads

Sorting is limited to only videos

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