Ashley Madison



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Ashley Madison


We've been spending most of our lives living in a cheater’s paradise

Ashley, Ashley, where art thou? Guys are spending most of their lives searching for you. Ashley Madison is an erotic infidelity paradise for men with money willing to pay and women who do not have pennies to rub in their pockets. The website is the world's most popular online married dating infidelity portal - that’s a hard cold fact!

Find a cheater loses weeper

Everyone who chooses Ashley Madison for discreet hookups with a partner has one thing in mind - cheating and getting away with it! A long time ago, people would have to travel to another town, city, or country to find a random partner to cheat with. Messing around with somebody in your town increases the likelihood of getting exposed if someone you know sees you out with your mistresses having a nice Red Lobster. Ashley Madison makes infidelity easier on an international scale.

All aboard...last call for the Sugar Daddy Express

Choo! Choo! It's time to hop on the Sugar Daddy Express because that's what Ashley Madison is all about. See, broke ass sugar babies who are usually college students eating Ramen noodles before an exam need a cushion other than their parents to pay off those student loans would love to have a sugar daddy or sugar momma pick up the tab so they can be debt free for life. The college sugar baby figured out since they are entertaining people sexually at frat parties and pep rallies, why not do it for profit. I see that the college mind is coming into play!

WTF are sugar daddies and sugar babies?

If you lived under a rock for the past decade or so, a sugar baby is a person who receives financial assistance to entertain the person designated to take care of them. Most sugar babies are women, but some are men designated as entertainment boy toys for sugar mommies. A sugar daddy/sugar mommy ‘takes care’ of the sugar child who is financially-deprived. They get entertainment, usually sexually, in return for the allowances. So, it's a mutually agreed upon relationship based on financial support. You can look at this dating relationship as parent-child. Ashley Madison is full of sugar daddies who got a lot of money and sugar babies who are broke as a joke,  both parties will get big benefits if they sign up for memberships.

Verify that income

Ashley Madison is known to have guys verify their incomes even to get on there and chat with women, but I read some comments that say there is no income verification process, so I don't know what to believe. I have no money so I cannot test it out for myself. But at least the website makes an effort to identify the guys who cannot rub two nickels together from the ones who are balling out of control. Many sugar babies have a nickname that disses those broken pretend Sugar Daddies, and that is 'Splenda Daddies' - guys who cannot afford to give real sugar.

Holla back at the fake profiles and scammers

Let’s face the facts, buddy. Ashley Madison is legit, and most profiles are real, but there are tons of fake scamsters on there too. Every dating site has dead profiles, catfish bitches, and scammers that are working overtime to carry out a heist to get money. So, there is always the risk of getting robbed on Ashley Madison if you are a sugar daddy. You also run the risk of coming  across prostitutes and hookers who mask themselves as sugar babies, but probably just want to reach their quotas for the night to give the proceeds to their pimp. Similarly, sugar babies also got to watch their backs for Splenda daddies as well who want to dip their creams and alternative sugar packets in the coffee cups and expect full entertainment in return. 

Find a cheater losers weepers

I don't care what anybody says. I'm going to make a bold statement. Cheating is wrong, and you shouldn't do that shit! Why risk breaking up a potentially happy home for a taste of some new coochie hairs in your mouth? Obviously, my moral compass is not the only one working in respects to this fact because there was a really big data breach - one of the biggest of any dating site - so big that it took up ample timeslots on nightly news networks, was a 2015 data breach that exposed usernames and sensitive data. These hackers felt the same damn way as I did and exposed men - very prominent men - some who even committed suicide after the fact because their worlds came crashing down and did not want to face the consequences. This hack rocked the damn dating world to the core and had everyone who used Ashley Madison on the edge of their seats, wondering WTF will happen next. Suddenly, you would see weak, simp ass guys on YouTube with their wives who are forcing them to apologize for using Ashley Madison to ruffle the marriage. Those women failed to realize that if you need to make your husband apologize for cheating, then you have bigger issues that need closer inspection. There were heavy lawsuits that followed. It was a big mess. The ‘Fake News’ outlets walked away patting each others’ backs thinking they have done something proud and commendable. Ashley Madison would just be a blip of the past - so they thought. Their staff probably had office parties and the whole nine.

What happened behind that Ashley Madison hack? Please let me know!

In a sick, twisted turn of fate, Ashley Madison rose from the ashes, stood it's ground, and membership increased tenfold. Profiles were popping up all over the place, and membership signups are heading to record highs! That hack backfired on everyone who underestimated how powerful Ashley Madison really was. It was the largest advertisements for the  online dating app and service.

Some married men are gonna cheat anyway

These morally obligated ‘simps’ who try to save every damn body need to understand that some men are going to cheat regardless of what you or I say or do. Many marriages are business arrangements, especially for those in high society. Who marries for love anymore? Having an affair with a mistress is a necessity for many powerful men who are stressed out in those forced marriages. They need to get away to a better place and cheating is the only way. Some couples do not even like each other in these business arranged marriages. Look at the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's situation that got him impeached. The way Bill and Hillary, his wife, interact with each other makes me question whether she really likes him or just there for the public image. 

Got to pay that money if you want that honey

Ashley Madison knows how much money is circulating on the website. That is why you cannot hardly do anything on it without paying a rate to get some credits. Women can use the website and app for free to establish communications, but men need to pay fees to give gifts on the platform, answer messages, watch videos, chat, or just to kick the bobo. If you’re broke as a joke, you won’t fit in, and if you are a rich guy, you are welcomed with open arms. Not charging women means there are plenty of them on there. You can search for the people you have a particular taste for free. Ashley Madison does a pretty good job listing your type as well. Of course, you don't want to jump headfirst into unknown territory. That's why Ashley Madison gives 30 days free for any man who want to try before the buy.

Anonymity is the key

Ashley Madison got a bunch of ways for creepers to stay secretive while searching the website. There is a way to make your profile not easily discoverable. A mask will veil your face so no one can recognize you. The charge on your credit card bill will list a random sequence of letters like 'AMDB' that gets overlooked by the naked eye. You can buy a gift card and trade it in for credits, so there is no digital trace of payment. Even a slimy sleuth of a wife cannot find a financial transaction anywhere messing around with the safe Ashley Madison website. The man even has the option to mail money orders and cashier's checks. Sign that John Hancock on the dotted line, and you’re in business. If you do not give a flying fuck about anyone discovering your activities, then they accept the classic major credit and debit cards to get the affair started ASAP.

Welcum to the Ashley Madison jungle

Welcum to the Ashley Madison jungle, we got fun and games. We got sugar daddies, sugar babies, married daters, scammers, prostitutes, and they’re all going insane. Ashley Madison has what you want, she has everything you need. So, if you got the money, honey, have your pick up of the best sugar babies.

The mutual understanding

The basis of the website is handsome older guys with a lot of money meeting and hooking up with fine, sexy young women. Emails are sent. A connection initiates. An affair ensues. Everyone on Ashley Madison have a mutual understanding of why they are getting on here. There is no love, just play and business. Have that mindset before you register and log on.

A final message for the women

I feel your pain of not knowing. I do. If you are a woman who suspects her husband is cheating. I am sorry. The marriage might not work, and it is time to call it quits. Get out while you're ahead. Hiding things will only make the situation worse - UNLESS your man is a submissive simp who does everything you say. Good bye!


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Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, Maestro, PayPal

Photo verification registration accounts

Successful and safe app for iPhone and Android

Customer service is open for 24 hours

Traveling Man feature to open your profile to people who live in your next travel destination

Thirsty scammers that make the Nigerian ones look like choir boys

Splenda daddies who do not got a dime in their pockets

Full of cheaters willing to have an affair and they cannot be trusted

Men gotta pay, women can roam for free - sexist

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