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BangHer is an actionable statement telling you what to do. Bang her! It won’t be out of place if we tag this site an all-black porn platform. I mean, it's an ebony porn tube site.

This is not your regular porn shot by regular porn superstars, though. Bangher porn site is more of a freelance sex video platform shot by random black people. This means that you don’t get to see your favorite sex positions on display sometimes.

You won’t also be wrong if you tag it an amateur porn website ‘cos from all ramifications it looks like it. You may be a fan of HD quality videos which ought to be the reason for some not liking the videos, but one thing is certain, you can not take away the originality behind these videos.

Our Bangher Review Makes a Promise We Can Keep

This review promises to bring you nothing less than a comprehensive review of as regards its features and categories, models, high and low sides, as well as another relevant topic. The despite its low-quality site design, it comes with a Live Chat section and an external link that directs you to other interesting sites. We will also include those areas in our analysis of this porn site.

Again, this is common among black porn: energy. You cannot entirely take away the natural energy found in black porn, and that also we will be looking at in this review.

Black Porn Sites Preview

With the energy of a black panther, the actors on Bang Her porn platform fuck their partners in a steady thrusting manner, making their partners morn in excitement as the feeling of erotic sexual fulfillment engulf their psych. Those models in bangher video contents are not really pros as you think, so don’t go expecting to perform like those pros in regular porn sites.

While on the site, you will notice one thing in common, and that is the “Doggy” way in which these guys on this bangher fuck their partners. You may find it strange though, but black people do have things in common.

Sections and Features

Bang her porn platform comes with only 6 categories lined up on the menu bar. The “Categories” section on the menu bar is currently empty, while two (Free Black Sex Cams, and I’m Feeling Lucky) leads you to another platform ( So practically what we have functioning here is only the “Black Porn” category, which is not a good thing if you ask me.

Well, that single category kinda makes up for the empty categories ‘cos it’s got over a thousand videos uploaded there. The last on that category is The PornDude, which is a gateway to the porn dude website.

Well, we are not actually good with sarcasm which is why we will just simply say that the categories on this site are almost empty. This is because even those videos you get to see on the Black Porn section are (almost) exactly what you see on the home page.

As for features on the Bangher platform, it’s looking more like it sections, but unlike the category section, they are not empty. They are listed as:

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Privacy Policy

  • Contact Us

  • 2257

  • Tags

Bangher Platform and Doggy Style of Sex

Like we mentioned in our preview, there is a strong similarity between black people and the doggy sex position. At first, this seemed like a mere rumor, but watching all these unscripted sex videos where 40-45% of its sex positions are doggy, dude… it has gone beyond a mere rumor; it is a factual truth. You check out yourself and see what we mean. Again, you hardly see a sex video on this platform where they practiced the missionary position. Weird!

Rules on this Ebony Porn Platform

You can find the site’s rules in the Terms and Conditions section. Just like any other well-regulated porn site will do, Bang Her porn site has clearly clarified their rules and position on Copyright, Trademarks, Third Party Affiliation, Website Access, Intellectual Property Rights, and User Submissions. They also stated the age restriction to be 18 years and above.

Pros and Cons

We must be sincere with you here, there are more cons than pros in this black cock sites. We do not want to mince words when we say that the Bangher porn website is empty! But hey….we are the good guys here, there are still some good things to talk about is the site, which is why we are creating the “Pro” section anyway.

If we are to go meticulous here, we won’t be saying anything good about this site. But we understand that 100% of the videos are homemade so we will be a bit considerate in that regard. But just like professional ethics demands, we will try and go on it.  It is also important to note that whatever negative point we have made here on this platform does not portray anything personal, but it is an avenue to compel the managers to upgrade the platform.

Live Chat with Some Pussy

To further validate the fact that Bang Her porn platform is indeed a free all black porn site, they have created a live chat section on the site. This section is where “brothers and sisters in porn” converge to have side conversations, in fact, we notice that every now and then you may be coming across some of those guys in these videos. Review: Porn Privacy Policy

This platform takes visitors' privacy very seriously. Here, they have clearly stated their privacy policy as it affects individual’s Data Usage, Disclosures of Information, and Miscellaneous contents. They also clearly stated that there might need to share an individual’s personal data in matters that have to do with safeguarding the platform or protecting it against any form of loss.

Contact Us Section

We must say that despite the Bangher’s bad choice of website design, their contact section is quite responsive. Though we can’t say how consistent this efficiency is, from the little we know, they are quite consistent.


Year Launched

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Despite their lack of experience, these guys still fuck twice as hard more than their professional counterparts.

There are more than enough black sex videos to get you addicted.

visitors might not get all the black college porno they need, but there are enough hot black sex videos to keep them aroused.

The live chat feature makes it possible to chat with colleagues.

The site design, in general, is poo! Yes, poo. The site is of the lowest standard in terms of class.

The categories are empty, even the ones that are valid are irrelevant. How someone goes to launch an empty porn site still baffles us here.

There is no sigh of creativity no matter how small, it looks more like what some created while watching some black college porno.

Though this is an amateur porn website, the picture quality is way too poor to even qualify for an armature site.

Out of six menu categories, just two are working, out of the two, one leads to an external website (porn dude). So logically, out of six categories, just one is working. Now, who designs a porn site like that?!

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