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We must have to state here that we are very excited to pick VoyeurHit for review. This is our idea of a real popular porn website. With a well-arranged video gallery in the hundreds, all covering different sex locations, races, and styles, you won’t have a reason to even bother to locate other sections of the site. In a nutshell, is way too captivating and dropping hit after hit records.

Simplicity That Completes Your Voyeurday

Dj, spin that shit. This site comes with a lot of simplicity in it. Though with few categories here and there, it covers what most popular porn websites may had forgotten its relevance. The site’s orderly arrangement makes it stand out among its peers. The Support, Information, Help and Support, and Work With Us sections are located just below the footer. Make it easier for visitors to locate as well as utilize promptly.

Also, another thing that made this site kinda stand out is it’s models; these guys are more handsome than most internationally acclaimed beauty queens. When we say beautiful we meant the Kim K kinda beautiful, or better still the (younger) Harry Berry kinda beauty.

Voyeur Hit Review - Sections for Erection

The menu section contains just six categories. All are there to give you all that you seek from a popular voyeur porn site this time around. Those categories include Top Rated, Most Popular, Latest Updates, Categories, Free XXX, and TXXX Network. But also remember that these sections also have their subcategories. Let’s take the “category” section, for example. You can find sub-sections like Voyeur, Amateur, Hidden Cam, Public Beach, e.t.c. all containing different contents.

Also for those of you who enjoy guy sex (I don’t). There is a section on the TXXX Network section for you guys. You can as well choose to sign up for free to become a member of the site, that way you be participating fully on activities of the platform.

Popular Adult Content Features

Let’s continue this here. The “Category” section contains 10 different sub-categories that represent different sections of the site. And guess what? Voyerhit still has an “Amateur” section which contains the best real amateur videos. But who cares anymore these days one can hardly differentiate between a pro and an amateur? You begin to ask yourself, “who has made teaching these kids how to swerve like their mothers”? Shocking!

Anyways, the “Top-Rated” shows the Top performing videos on the website. The top videos are rated by the number of positive reviews it has. And from the kind of top-performing videos we see here, these guys have eyes for the good stuff, as in, the videos are worth it. Let’s also quickly add here that models in this platform are somehow young (and pretty). No wonder their videos are getting lots of positive reviews, who even cares graving for a sprinkled breast and tits.

The Hidden Cam Sites Section on

Let’s move on. The Hidden Cam section is like the eagle eye of this website. Members upload some really deep shit happening behind the scenes. Things like sex in the office: remember that moment when the manager calls in the secretory to have some quickie or two employees decide to keep it real at the control room without knowing someone is watching. Well, that’s the exact moment you get to see in this section of the web.

Have you noticed those impromptu random sex happening on the beach? Well, you will be seeing a lot of them while on the “Public Beach” section. Though some of these “sex on the beach” we believe are staged acts. However, all the same, it is still worth enjoying anywhere. Them other sections covers. Other subcategories under the “Category” are all names of countries with their videos lined up in it.

Voyer Hit TXXX Network

This section is kinda weird. Especially the names of its sub-sections. It also contains voyeur sex videos. We are yet to officially understand the full meaning of those acronyms on those subsections. But whatever their they stand for, those videos there are super dope. By the way, that animated advertorial on the header when you are inside the TXXX section is hilarious. Other subcategories under this section include HClips, Upornia, HDZog, HotMovs, PornQ, TubePornClassic, 100HomeMade, See Xxx, PornL, TheGay, and ShemaleZ.

Voyeur XXX Rules

Beneath this website footer lies the terms and conditions section where the management of the site had stated it’s the legal position on some issues, including the under-aged porn viewership. This is another way to prove that the site is very well organized.

Site Traffic and Popularity

Saying that this site is popular is an understatement. Its popularity is mind-blowing as a single video can get way over twenty-five thousand views in weeks. We can’t say specifically the number of traffic the site generates because they don’t like sharing that information, but will conveniently say that it is huge, like super huge!

Come Work With Us

Now, this is our favorite part, the company opens a job proposal to the public to come work for them anybody wishes to. Their openings for positions for Webmasters, Content partners, and Advertisers.

Pros and Cons of Voyuerhits

For those of you who like reading bad commentaries, well, we may end up disappointing you this time around because this platform is way too good for a bad review. Anyway, let’s see how it goes.


Year Launched

Payment Methods

It has a perfect design with the right sections fixed at the right places.

The lecture quality is outstanding; it comes in an HD platform.

There are more than enough videos to savor.

Their rules and legal terms are well stated.

Their Help Centre always responsive.

Members can upload their videos if they wish.

They have got a really beautiful Model.

There are sections and categories. There ought to be more features.

Their videos are too obvious.

The platform is not interactive; they just go straight to the point.

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