Red Light Center



Year Launched

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Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, PumaPay, VIT Tokens

Red Light Center

Red Light Center is a 3D sex game with thousand of players taking on different roles in the free world. If you are a social lame or an uncool person in the real world, you can jump into this virtual world and become 'the shit' that you never could be.

We are here to help you. Out job to review today, so you can be a pro player by the time you download the game.

Red Light District Experience Review

Let me educate you about that infamous "red light" world. A Red Light District is an area with a large concentration of prostitutes, call girls, and hookers on display, waiting for your business. These areas are dodgy and dangerous. Every city has one. Sometimes the police might not even go to these areas because they know everybody there. So, this game plays on that definition.

Of course, the owners of the game could not use Red Light District, most likely because of copyright and the domain name taken. Hell, if you were to type 'Red Light Center' into Google right now, it is the only website that pops up. However, if you were to type Red Light District, then the search results get muddled with millions of publications related to the subject. Choosing the latter name would have been an advertisement disappointment. Review - An Open-World Virtual Sex Game

You kinda get an idea upon visiting the homepage about what to expect from the game. "Live Your Fantasy" is the tagline, so you automatically know you get pushed into a different type of world that you would only dream about.

This game can only be played on a PC with Windows or Mac operating systems. Therefore, anybody with an Android or Apple phone cannot play this game. Sorry. Maybe you should go watch a tutorial on PornHub or something.

The site claims the download is 100% safe. Hopefully, that is true because we have all been in the position of downloading an app or game that came with other programs that destroyed our computers. Then, we risk coming across fake Indian tech websites and apps that block functionality as try to swindle us out of hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars. My mom almost took a trip to Walgreens to pay these scammers.

Another claim is Updates Regularly. Laggy games are no fun. An owner who actually cares about their site fluidity is a good man. However, after attempting to launch and play Red Light Center resulted in a frozen download window. Comments on YouTube tutorials back up my claims. The game is broken, and, based on the comments, seemed to be this way for years.

The most important feature of any online in 2021 is Multi-Player. Forget about the Adult Physics Re-Imagine graphics or Multiple Camera Angles, which are both important, but if a site does not have multiplayer no one cares. Having multiplayers serves so many benefits like connecting with people and making friends and having more fun than playing alone or against a computer. Now, that's rad!

Last but not least - Free. Yep, this game is free to download. Too bad the shit didn't work for me. But that alone sparked my interest and made me wanna explore more.

The Story Behind the Red Light Virtual World Game

The game starts with avatar choices. I like how the site gives you many male and female characters of different ethnicity. But all the men are buff and ripped and all the women look slim and sexy. Good for subconscious projection and boosting confidence.

Create an account to download the account. Wish me luck that this game does not come with a bunch of viruses because I don't have my anti-virus protection program activated.

Viola. Just like that I'm in my profile with many subcategory options. I can control everything inside and outside the game on this page.

Modify my profile with some information I want. Change basic info to my liking. I can see messages from strangers and friends. Anything I want to do, I can do!

Hold up for a moment. I found a Cams section. The URL is Let's check this out. Seems to be everything you imagine from a live cam website. Nothing's special. Read our Live Sex Cam Sites reviews to learn how they work.

What's Beyond the Download & VIP Access Pages?

The downloading took longer than expected and froze in the middle The program seemed to install a bunch of shit that had me worried. When i launched the game and started the download, nothing happened.

I try to be a patient person, especially when driving because lives are on the line, but I can't wait for a game to load. I wanna play now! Waited about 20 minutes and still nothing happened. Makes me wonder if they're trying to steal my information off my CPU. Maybe I don't have enough GB left on my hard drive (started with 20 GB) before the download. However, that might not be the reason because most games would alert to limited disk space before starting the download. So, what's the real deal?

I went to other websites to see if anyone recorded their gameplay and sure enough a few guys have. This game seems like a party place where your character stands around among other characters really doing nothing. You can type in the chat box with people as their characters loiter around. A menu at the top of the page controls the actions of the characters. Apparently, you can fuck other characters around you if they're down for that. I guess that's why this game made it to NSFW411. You can leave a building and go outside and do things like skateboard. You can purchase credits to upgrade wardrobe and get vehicles. The game reminds me of GTA: Vice City. But the graphics suck like 007 Goldeneye on PS2 quality.

Final Word About This Virtual Sex Game with Real People

Is this site worth the time, money, and possibly purchasing VIP membership? Nah, not for me. Many past players say Second Life is better.


Year Launched

Payment Methods


Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, PumaPay, VIT Tokens

Open-range real-world player

Easy to uninstall

Some members might attempt to scam credit card info from you

.exe download - some people don't trust them

Vip membership required to modify clothing, property, looks, etc.

Not an instant download - take forever IF it even download at all

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