Fake Lay



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Fake Lay

Fake Lay is as real as it gets. However, we have fake news all day just pouring through from every platform and channel that it was no surprise that there was a massive fake channel on porn sites. It was just the day that I stumbled onto the world of fake porn via Fake Taxi.

The Fake World

It didn't take me long to drift down the rabbit hole of fake porn channels. There is a fake taxi channel, cop channel, hotel channel, agent channel and hostel channel, along with many more in the world of fake porn. Fake taxi is the one that got me interested, but it soon became apparent that is it a fake, fake channel. The videos are choreographed and they are all porn stars.

It is fun though, and with a little stretch of the imagination, it's easy to head on down the road of 'what-if' when it comes to fake taxis, and fake hostels. It's fun to consider what could really happen on a cab ride in London, or in a hostel somewhere in Bulgaria. Or, in fact, with a beautiful female cop who has a lot more in mind with her truncheon that she initially lets on. If you're the sort of person who enjoys this fake, role-play, cosplay, kind of action, then Nutaku's Fake Lay might just be the game for you.  

Fake Lay Porn Game Review

Logically, fake porn would move on to fake porn games, and one of the best in this genre of is the fake lay porn game. It has a lot going for it, is funny and sexy, and also lets you right into the game, balls-deep in fact, for free. You do need to register, but it allows you in without confirming your email address. Although, hold on a second, if you do confirm that email address, then one hundred golds fall into your account thanks to Nutaku. 

FakeLay is part of the Nutaku platform, and they have over 400 high-quality hentai games. Gold is the currency across all games in their platform and can be transferred. A hundred golds are not to be sneezed at, but until you hit the confirmation button, you're not registered and still playing the free game. 

A Porn Empire

It's a crazy start, but it's one that's funny and enjoyable to follow and play. You inherit an old broken-down car, and you soon used it for all sorts of fun and games. Your role becomes that of a taxi driver, as well as one of film director, and you head on out there, picking up girls and trying to set them up in a sex scene. You want to film them, get their affection level up, and make some of the best, dirtiest porn movies out there. It's not all that easy, though, as this review will show. Fake lay has trials and tribulations, and a whole lot of fun, just like so many porn games before it.     

Artwork and Direction

The girls are cute, and sexy in fake lay. They are all set up and programmed to be relatively bright and sassy. No real easy lays out there I'm afraid, just like in real life. You have to work hard to get those panties off, and you have to learn from your game experiences. It is a kind of a dating sim, where you do get to come back to some of your dates when you are better equipped and more robust. Fake lay is also a kind of an RPG, although slower and more specific. 

As you cruise the streets in you beat-up old jalopy, you become a cab driver, picking up girls as you go along. Then you have to smooth talk them and get them warmed up, before coaxing them to undress before your camera. Once you have them undressed and you're filming them, the game becomes a bit more real, and the story opens up even more. You need to find a girl off the bat who will let you film her, and once you have footage of that one girl, then you're rolling, in more ways than one. Review - Girls, Girls, Girls

It is another hentai game, but with a few differences. Inside the game, there are mini-games that you can play to win points and mula. The girls that are on the site are all delicious, and the ebony babes are delightful. It's a fun game, though, and you're always having fun. Sometimes spending time on a game like this is a lot more fun that going onto regular porn sites just because the girls are so perfect in every way. There is always the problem of money, however, and when you make the leap from gaming to spending cash, it is a massive leap that could have long-term repercussions.  

Right now I wouldn't say that fake lay is my favorite game though, and it's not about the money. It's about the actual sex scenes. You have to go through a lot to eventually get a girl, and while the game is fair and you know what you're getting into, the actual sex scenes are lame, and such a strange choice for such a banger game. It basically consists of a floating dick, unattached to anything, poking the girls in the pussies and in the ass. Not the best look, to be honest. For a game this good, and this well-thought-out, you would think that the climax, both literal and figurative, would be a bit better than this. It is on a simplistic level a dating sim, but it is actually a sex game, and a game of fucking, and a floating dick is not the best way to finish this whole thing off. 


Year Launched

Payment Methods


Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, Union Pay, Skirll, Horrizon, Tron, Verge

Cute girls.

Easy to understand gameplay.

Loads of free play.

Mini-games inside the real game. 

Relatively low pricing to enter.

The way the sex plays out needs revisiting. 

Some of the sounds need to be refreshed.

 The gameplay can get a bit repetitive.

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