Cosmic Shock League



Year Launched

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Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, Union Pay, Skirll, PayPal via Epoch, Horrizon, Tron, Verge

Cosmic Shock League


The Cosmic Shock League action-packed erotic video game is another interesting selection from Nutaku®. This looks a bit violent, but in actual sense, it is highly erotic. Even as a PVP game, it comes with some funny attributes which make it comedy related. I got a chuckle from some of it's scenes.

Cosmic Shock League is a simple game, so there are no many special features that come with it, just the usual stuff. But all the same, though, expect nothing sort of a comprehensive analysis of Cosmic Shock League.

Though the Cosmic Shock League is graded under epic, kinky, comedy, and Sci-Fi, we still see it as an action-puzzle game. The sensory part of the Cosmic Shock League is usually seen while on the “settings” section, or when you must have achieved a milestone, hence, it is more puzzle than arcade.

Cosmic Shock League Review: Insight

Mere looking at Cosmic Shock League on its Nutaku® platform, one thing comes to mind, Xbox. But don’t get too excited though because it is just your regular 2D puzzle video game (not even an arcade). But all the same, that does not take away the erotic fun from the game. Mind you, in the actual game content, it is just some group of little creatures motioning around some brick-like puzzles.

The game is a collectible card game, it comes in match-3 mechanics format, but easy to play yet hard to master. From the game design, you are meant to be in charge of the group of vibrantly animated troops to fight against the AI-controlled team. While on this game, you just have to keep your mind open; you must be thinking all the way, because if you need a lot of thinking, strategy, organizing e.t c to make it the top level of this game.

Nutaku Cosmic Shock League Gameplay

You are required to adopt a strategy and build the strongest army capable enough to challenge the enemy. You are meant to upgrade your Cosmic Shock girls, getting them ready to be unleashed on the enemy. The game also comes with collectibles, the more you collect, the more formidable your team of Cosmic Shock League becomes.

You just have to fight your way through the level 320+ stage of the campaign, or PvP Battle Chests. There are actually many ways one can expand their team while on the game to be in the very best position to unleash their epic fury on the enemies.

Cosmic Shock League Game Design

No matter your style of girls, you will definitely find it here on the Cosmic Shock League. Their type girls ranges from Rogue Games, playful kittens kinda girls (as in those ones you see on Sci-Fi), e.t.c. The game comes with a stimulating storyline that also rhymes with the game characters.

The selection part of this has a space-like feature where you get to access features like battle “Quests”, Battle PvP, and “Battle Chests” arranged in a parallel arrangement. There is also where you get to see the complete nude of your selected player as they keep appearing in their most seductive attire.

One thing about the game design here is that everything about it is sexy, both the fire splash you get when your guns are fired, to the grenades. Every violence here doesn’t really look like violence, it comes out with so much sexiness.

Game Story Line

The story behind this game is more of space witch-hunting, it is about the group of powerful women who are desperately in need of help to defeat their common enemy. You are the only help they can garner, it is left for you to fashion out the best strategy using the provided puzzle-solving strategy implementations of character. You are expected to come out victorious while you are rewarded with a more challenging task.

Before you can be leveled up, you must have collected as many cards as possible, collecting cards can take many dimensions, one may require you collecting the right number of cards from the boxes. But you must have purchased enough from the store, collected from your daily rewards, or earned in the battles fought.

Your daily rewards can be collected by visiting those chests located at the screen of your device. Your offers are generated every hour which you can buy using in-game currency. So, all you need do to keep an eye on when the particular card you need will be available and visit the store regularly to enjoy the best of these fantastic offers.

A Brief Remark on Cosmic Shock League Review

Well, if you don’t like puzzle games we advise you avoid this game, though it comes with some human characters in it, it still doesn’t make it arcade or 3D; we here still categorize it as a puzzle. But notwithstanding, though it is very much interesting as a puzzle game, it still struggles to live up to its name as an erotic video game.


Year Launched

Payment Methods


Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, Union Pay, Skirll, PayPal via Epoch, Horrizon, Tron, Verge

It has a very nice and interesting storyline which also blends well with the characters.

The picture quality comes in high pixel.

The girls in this game displays a high level of nudity.

The image on the promotional banner is not the same as the actual game.

The quality of the actual game is below arcade game.

It’s erotic scenes are not just enough, whereas, you only get to see the sensual part of the game while either choosing your player or making other settings on the game.

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