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N/A is a site that carries thousands of free porn videos. You can search the site for porn videos from a long list of popular categories. The videos are taken from a wide range of porn sites like Twistys, Brazzers and Sinful Handjobs.

Are you looking for a place on the web that offers thousands of hours worth of porn videos all for free? Adult videos that you can download without singing up? An adult community where membership is free? All those descriptions apply to Dr Tuber, where you will find:

  • More than 34 thousands pages of free porn videos

  • Hot girls around the world doing all kinds of sex acts

  • Fucking, blowing, fondling, toy play and all types of fetishes

  • Blondes, brunettes, MILFs, redheads, Asians, Latinas, ebonies

Dr Tuber XXX Porn

If you're an avid porn consumer (and if you weren't, you wouldn't be reading this) you probably go to lots of porn sites each week. As long as those sites are active, they're pumping out new content week after week. How long before the old content is no longer their main attraction?

All across the internet, porn tube sites are popping up to repost thousands upon thousands of older videos from all the big and not-so big porn sites. After all, if you want to attract customers, you got to give away some freebies to let the public know what they're missing by not signing on.

That's where sites like come in, to let you take a bite out of yesterday's donuts for free. On DrTuber, you'll find row after row of porn videos in every conceivable fetish category. You can browse the popular default returns or filter your searches down to the things you like most.

From a marketing standpoint, it's a brilliant concept. On porn tube sites, you don't feel like you're being hard-sold on anything. Browsing these sites is like being in a giant warehouse of used magazines, where you can flip through old titles for hours with no obligation to buy anything.

Dr Tuber Sex Video Reviews

When I first land on, I'm impressed by the simple layout and mood-appropriate dark background. The preview thumbnails for assorted videos are laid out in rows. According to the page buttons at the bottom, the website has 34590 pages of videos as I type this. Each page displays gif-links to about 88 videos.

On the very last page, I spot a thumbnail of a round-breasted Asian chick who I initially think is porn legend Tera Patrick. Turns out she's a cam girl who goes by the name SeductiveDoLLx. When I click the "see more of her" link on the video as it plays, up pops her page on

I'm momentarily distracted by her classy lingerie pics (bookmarks page). Alas, I'm here to review Dr Tuber.

Back on the site, I spot a juicy thumbnail of an alabaster redheaded MILF staring bright-eyed into the lens with a thick cock in her mouth. I just love those blowjob pics where the chick seems to be sub-communicating "this is the real me." Anyway, her clip is a seven-minute fuck and suck from

Inspirational line: "You always have a lot to say but your dick always tells the truth." Ah-ha, she's supposed to be the lucky POV guy's stepmom.

After the video ends, a thumbnail leads me to a video with an almond-eyed Latina MILF who stares straight up into the lens while blowing a fat cock. The title reveals the name of the lucky guy, but not the star. This brings up one of Dr Tuber's flaws: these videos have titles but no descriptions.

If you ever get tired of blowjobs (as if) there's plenty of videos of straight forward fucking. One thumbnail looks especially juicy: a long-haired brick-house riding some guy's lap. The video, it turns out, is titled Busty Lady Needs a Hard Fucking Session. It's a 22:34 video from Yes, she also licks and sucks his shaft while fingering herself.

I watch a few more of the blowjob clips that come up in the suggestions associated with the PervMoma vid, including videos from the sites Bam Visions and Curvy Cocking. By default, each video plays at 320p, but you can also watch at 720p.

However, the video player on has difficulty processing any non-default command. When you try to replay or scroll back through a finished video, the player does nothing. In some cases, the player stammers on the initial play. This site does not have a very reliable server.

Just now as I write this review at 10:57 pm, the player lags repeatedly as I watch a blowjob video courtesy of Share Dating. Granted, Dr Tuber could be over-trafficked right now with everyone at home trying to avoid the pandemic.

While is not the best-performing of the porn tube sites, it does present lots of great search returns. You could easily note the titles of whichever thumbnails grab your fancy and look them up later on one of the better tubes.

Since I'm in the mood for something different, I type "pantyhose" into the search bar to see what comes up. One of the more fetching returns is a dangling thumbnail. The video is a low-bitrate 20-minute clip from an unnamed source. Unfortunately, the clip shows the same angle the entire time with nothing but repetitive dangling, so it's like watching paint dry.

Another return under this search yields a clip of two young women fondling each other's legs in sheer black pantyhose. Once again, low quality from an unnamed source. This one, however, I deem worth keeping. Luckily, Dr Tuber lets you download clips as you please without registering. At 5:22, the clip consumes only 14 mb on my C drive.

Curious about the site's MILF content, I return to the main page to click on that category. The top returns appear to be old videos from long-defunct porn sites from the 2000s. I don't see any stars of the genre on the first page, or even any star-quality contenders for that matter.

Taking matters into my own hands, I type the name Deauxma into the search bar. Up pops 17 videos that feature the '00s MILF sensation. I click on one clip, apparently sourced from her old website. It features her in a bra and panties playing with a dildo. Love that teased after-sex hair. The clip may be low-quality, but it's classic Deauxma.

In the mood for more MILF action, I type the name Janet Mason into the search bar. Up pops at least two dozen thumbnails, including one from a fetching clip I don't recall. It's her and several other MILFs in '80s aerobics wear. They "terrorize" some guy in a CFNM handjob/blowjob contest.

Each time you bring on a video, all the tags associated with that clip are displayed above the player. If you click on those tags, you'll see the top returns in those categories. The last clip I watched had "handjob" as a tag and so I clicked it on. I gotta say, the top returns are a lot more fetching than some of my earlier digs on this site.

I must admit that a lot of the contents on this tube appear to be low-quality stuff from the bygone days of internet porn. But if you can find a use for any sort of fucking or sucking videos, bitrate issues might not be a problem. If the player gives you trouble, you can simply use the download button to get whatever videos you please.

DrTuber Video Download, Features

So how do the site features on stand up to review? Overall, it's an okay tube with all the basic tags and search features. The moment you land on the site, you'll see rows of preview gifs for all the newest uploads.

On the upper-left of the screen, there's an alphabetical list of popular search categories divided into two columns, You can use this to filter your search to videos tagged with specific words and phrases, such as amateur, anal, lesbian, brunette, interracial, Latin, blowjob, hentai, threesome, vintage and more.

At the top left of the screen, you will see three tabs: straight, gays and transsexual. The site defaults to straight when you land, as most of the visitors are heterosexual men. Homosexual visitors can simply hit the gay tab for content that floats their boat. The same goes for the trans community. The tab you choose will predicate all the search options.

Above the main section is a row of search filters. There's a search bar to the right and a row of tabs in the center. The default tab is videos, which shows the first of more than 34.6k pages of video thumbnails. You can also choose the category pull-down for a longer list of categories.

If you're looking for cam girls, the live sex button will give you several cams to choose from, including the Dr Tuber cam and its own girls. You can also choose the photos and community tabs to see pics and profiles of Tuber members.

Next to the search bar is an upload button, which you can use to post your own content. First, though, you have to be logged in.

The front page of DrTuber's community section has some good looking chicks. Some of these girls appear to be here to spread their amateur porn content with a wider online audience. I can't vouch for the authenticity of all these accounts.

Dr Tube Membership, Sign Up

The registration process on DrTuber is easy. All you have to do is hit the sign up button on the top-right corner. Up will pop an input box for your preferred username and password. They will ask for your email and have you click the captcha box.

Once you agree to their terms and verify that you are at least 18 years old, you'll be registered the moment you complete the signup. I didn't even have to confirm my email address or log back in. Now that I'm registered, the videos are loading faster. I can scroll through videos without any glitches. Then again, maybe it's because I'm completing this review at 1:30 am.

Dr Tuber is free to join and safe to surf. Since most of their content is sourced by permission from other websites, you can watch anything you want and add a rating to any clip that you enjoy. If you want to get a video, you can download it to your hard drive. Alternatively, you can add it to your favorites list by clicking the heart button.


Year Launched

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Easy to browse, free to join

Tons of hot chick, all looks and ages

Search by fetish, rating, length, upload date, category

Download anything you want

Poor streaming unless you're a member

Lots of low-quality old content

Sites like DrTuber










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