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Do you love the site of chicks all covered in jizz? Reddit NSFW cumsluts has you covered.

Rule 34 states that porn exists for every topic imaginable. Reddit cumsluts has 1.1m subscribers, proving that many people like, want and enjoy this kind of porn content.

Let's take a tour of this NSFW Reddit community and its specialized porn videos and picture content.

Reddit NSFW Cum Face Content: Community Overview

R/cumsluts bills itself as "the stickiest place on Reddit." All you facial cumshot pervs will find lots to ogle over on this Reddit. The concept here is simple: pics of chicks and whores taking cum shots on their faces, necks, tits and twats. What could be more rewarding?

Scrolling down this Reddit page, I gotta say, some of this is sick. I thought cum was supposed to melt inside a woman's mouth. Oh well, I guess some dudes want to see lingering evidence of their... accomplishments.

The rules of this Reddit are simple. Girl/guy pictures ONLY. No gay cumshots (there's a different Reddit for that), no Photoshopped or fake cum (gel), and no solo male crap. That last rule includes no cum-tribute pics (I learned of that phenomenon the hard way when I did a Google Images search on actress Edwige Fenech).

Porn Reddit Cumsluts: NSFW Gifs, Clips

As I scroll cumsluts Reddit on a Saturday night, the first image I see is titled "I worked so hard for this." She's a jockish college girl looking sideways into the lens with jizz splashed across her nose and upper-lip. She bears an uncanny resemblance to a young Grace Kelly. Call it destiny.

Apparently, most of the people leaving comments don't think she got an impressive load. "You should have asked for a bigger reward," said one guy. These people have standards.

The next highest picture on the cumsluts Reddit feed shows a nipple-ringed girl from the mouth-on-down with droplets of cum across her breasts. She busts a big upper-teeth smile. I imagine her eyes must be glowing. This was probably uploaded by her boyfriend amid some afternoon sex.

Shots like that, where you can't identify the chick, are usually uploaded by everyday people who don't work in porn. That's part of the charm. Just think, the chicks you see on here could be your next-door neighbor or some cute checkout girl at the supermarket. Heck, it could be that hot chick in your biology class.

The next image shows a fiery-eyed chick staring up from the floor with jizz across her round breasts. She's biting her lip while making come-hither eye contract with the off-screen source of the jizz. I don't know who she is but she's a cut above a lot of the chicks on this Reddit.

Reddit Cum Porn Community: Top Content

One pic that's upward trending just as a type (it went from 149 to 255 upvotes between the time I scrolled the feed and clicked the post) is a pic titled "before and after."

On the left is an all-American, pig-tailed girl with dimples, shaking hands with some camera guy in a hotel lobby. On the right is that same girl, this time with slanted eyes, teased/after-sex hair and jizz all over her face and nude breasts.

The cumsluts Reddit is where good girls get corrupted. Or were they not like this all along? Turns out, the before-and-after chick is nubile porn hopeful Hannah Hays. The image comes from 1000 Facials, one of the most popular videos in this genre.

I don't mind the pics where the chicks are lightly jizzed but some of these go way overboard. This one post shows a chick taking a selfie with a tube-full of cum across her face. It looks like a mix of water and Elmer's glue, but that would be against the rules, now, wouldn't it?

Another photo shows that same substance blotched on top of a woman's twat. One shows a Rihanna-lookalike with a big cum stand dripping from her forehead.

As with most NSFW subreddits, r/cumsluts has a mix of pictures, screencaps and short porn videos. The videos are hosted on One of the best videos I happen across shows a hot young brunette, chest down, feet in the air, blowing her boyfriend POV style. Judging by those smiling eyes, I think she's having fun. Her name is Cleo, a self-made porn phenomenon.

I guess this trip through cumsluts Reddit wouldn't be complete if I didn't see a bukkake. A melon-tittied ebony porn chick takes the honors. She's all smiles, jiggling her breasts as three guys drop loads on her.

Reddit NSFW Gif, Video Content Search

As with all NSFW subreddits, there are multiple ways to search images on Reddit cumsluts. When you first arrive, the feed defaults to Hot. This displays all the posts that are currently getting upvoted by the community.

If you want to see the top posts from a certain period, click the pull-down menu next to the Top button. You can filter content to the past day, week, month or year. If you want to see the biggest posts throughout the history of this Reddit community, select All Time. Enjoy tons of cumshot content from the best porn sites and cumslut amateurs.

Content taken from cumslut porn sites is usually identified as such. Community members can only post amateur content that they themselves appear in. Amateur content is the property of the poster, all rights reserved.

Reddit NSFW cumsluts is one of the best porn sites for cumshot content because it's run by a 1.1m-strong community that loves this kind of porn.


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