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Usually, I assign these types of articles to freelance writers to complete, but I had to write this NSFW_WTF masterpiece myself because I was absolutely blown back by the things I saw in these posts. I will tell you the things to expect when you visit this group, how many people are involved with posting this nasty shit, how to work the Reddit website in general - it's very easy, and how you can avoid these fuck boys if they ever come around your neck of the woods. LOL. Just kidding!

These posters got to be smoking crack or sniffing Adderall or something because the content you will see on NSFW Reddit doesn't exist on the regular web. It almost like you are visiting the dark web. You need to be prepared and have the stomach to digest this type of stuff before you log on, which is why I decided to write the review. Our authors would think we're a bunch of weirdos and would probably quit the company after looking at this shit.

Let's explore...

Reddit r/NSFW_WTF Dark Web-like content

When you Google search "Reddit NSFW WTF", you will notice many different types of communities popup with various spelling abbreviations like "WTFwish", "NSFW_WTF", and just regular "WTF". What the fuck, how many what the fucks can Reddit produce? If you stroll your ass over to the regular WTF, you will get REGULAR WTFs topics. Some are pics and others are gifs of weird stuff like extreme piercings, parasite coming out of dead cockroaches, man grabbing the ears of a roaring lion like it's a house cat, close-calls freak accidents, and furries busting nuts with fake cum. The stuff doesn't get too nasty and of course, some things are restricted from getting posted.

Reddit NSFW_WTF review: what type of content to expect?

If you are looking for extreme porn stuff, then Reddit NSFW_WTF with the underscore is where you need to be. Mentally prepare for the taboo shit your mind can't handle. I can't unsee some of the stuff. Just the visuals of the group look crazy enough with a red logo surrounded by what looks to be a recreation of blood splattered on a wall and the resolution is so low quality that it looks like the user or moderator who created the wallpaper used the generic Paint application found on your computer. It seems that the Reddit logo has what looks like two smurfs on a computer getting ready to masturbate. Weird. One looks evil and the other look sad. That scene right there perfectly depicts the mentality of this group. Just read the comments on the posts. Some are sick and demented posters. It seems the crazier the videos, the more views they generate and the more people comment. Crazy.

Many have a lot of questions about the content they're looking at more than anything. One Japanese girl was getting ready to drink a pint of gum and one poster wanted to know how many guys it took to fill the glass. A lot! And then another guy breaks it down mathematically to find the answer! Neat! Then, you have some guys who post things like a caricature of Mickey Mouse spanking Miley Cyrus. Posts like that don't garner a lot of attention as you can imagine. One post that really got my attention was a video of what seems to be an Asian chick sucking some cock and another guy preparing to insert his penis into her anus - doggystyle - and she starts freaking out punching and slapping herself in the face.

*Puke*. Listen to me, man. I know some of you guys love this sick stuff, but I am done. Right now I'm watching a guy fuck a raw chicken like its a wet pussy. Yall can have that gif. That's all you, buddy! Let me continue with my review of the features.

OH MAN! NO!!!! NOOO!!!! I DID NOT MEAN TO WATCH THIS ONE! Guess what, yall. I guess my heart and mind are too pure for this type of content. Upon my quest to pressing the X button to exit out of Reddit NSFW WTF forever, I stumbled upon a video of a guy with a hole in the top of the tip of his dick like a steam train. He masturbated and the cum blew out of the hole. He called it a "blowhole."

Reddit NSFW WTF over 18 top community features

Finally, the clean shit. I just realized I have to return back to the Reddit/r/WTF page to look at the features. Wish me luck! Reddit has all the usuals you would find on any Reddit posts regardless of the subject matter. This specific group/section has a filtering system by flair that I never saw before. I'll list them.

  • Posts - Regular posts made by users where there is a sharing widget, comments, upvotes and more. This section has its own filtering system by Hot Posts, Newer Ones, Top Rated, and Rising Stars.Wiki - These are the sites that will get removed if you post them in this group because of the content they have - some of these sites mostly carry illegal porn.Porn - New, Best, and Most Discussed if you just want watch regular WTF porn.Non-porn - Filters are New, Best, Most Discussed - not related to porn. Since most guys want to see porn content, these posts have been up there a very long time. Some of the ones labeled "most recent" are from like 5 months or 2 years ago. The type of porn pic content found in this area might be of a man placing a piece of pizza on the belly of a pregnant woman and her baby reaching its hand out to grab the food. Another one is of a couple falling asleep on a bench in what seems to be somewhere in Eastern Europe (based on the vehicle license plate) after the lady gives the man some head. By the way these, photos seem 100% real. But, who knows the real truth? The funniest one is a Japanese film of a strong man getting ready to fight a petite woman as she cowers with fear, bent over in her panties, and excrete a machine gun from them and mow the guy dead. Can't make it up.

  • Gore - Yeah, this section available. No need to expound on it. It's nothing but disgusting things that would turn any regular, sane citizen into a demented deviant. You can't un-see this shit. Trust me. It imprints in the mind forever. This stuff is definitely conversation-starter material among only your closest of friends, for sure.

WTF porn Reddit community: what are the people like?

Now, on to the "clean" part of the article. Let's talk about the general information of the community.

Some of the commenters are the typical sick pervs who root to see this type of stuff, but surprisingly, some are not as sick as I originally thought and are curious more than anything. Some even make jokes about the stuff they're seeing.

This community's tagline is "NSFW content that makes you say WTF." Oh yes, they live up to that God damned tagline.

The group was created on June 6, 2009. To date, there are 145,000+ "sinners" who signed up and 334 people with "fucked up minds here" who are surfing online.

This community is so motivated to get this sick content out there that they have a brief guide about how to make a post.

The About page is pretty straightforward. It talks about how this group is "a fucked up place for fucked up people to look at fucked up shit." Yep, that describes it perfectly. Self-awareness is the first step to kicking this shit and recovery.

There is a list of rules that are obviously needed to be placed at the top of the page of this group with a big ass banner that should be required reading before entering, but of course the Reddit layout is unchangeable. Sick shit such as bestiality, cartoons and fakes, and underage stuff are completely restricted. Other rules are no whining (I guess they hear that a lot - what type of guys do you think would visit and possibly masturbate to this type of content daily? Not those who are mature or got a good head on their shoulders) and you are required to post a direct link to your horny stuff. The moderators try their best to keep this unstable community stable. The group has 10 moderators lock and loaded and ready to ban any violators. I personally believe they need a whole lot more moderators to handle this group because of the off-the-wall content.

Reddit NSFW WTF Final Word

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord! I feel like I need to ask for forgiveness. This content is not for the faint of heart for sure. Reddit WTF groups are free to use, post, and comment. No payment required. A lot of the stuff you might see can't be erased from your mind - it's imprinted there forever - don't say I didn't warn ya'. This Reddit group does not allow illegal porn, but I personally believe some of this stuff should not make the light of day on the internet. This group is made for people who have sick and twisted minds (PLEASE, don't try and create any of the sick shit you see on here.). Reddit NSFW_WTF doesn't allow illegal porn, which is excellent! It's anybody's guess who actually watches this stuff. There are definitely inappropriate things like gore, but there are filters that allow you to watch porn, non-porn, and the gore stuff separately. Those filters are good for people like me who like to watch videos for the shock value, but don't wanna see disgusting stuff because I have a weak stomach.

That is Reddit NSFW_WTf in a nutshell. We just gave you the 411! Don't call us again for this shit!


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Weirdos who have some of the weirdest fetishes you have ever seen in your life - they will feel right at home

Familiar Reddit layout and interface that hasn't gone anywhere

Funny ass comments and commenters that are not as sick as I thought

Non-porn stuff is pure entertainment (made me laugh)

Some of the weirdest most disgusting shit you will ever see in your life

Not as big of a group as expected

Demented individuals

Can't un-see some of those pics and videos

Sites like NSFW_WTF








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